Weekly Update April 5

April showers bring….snow?

Yes my friends, the joys of Wisconsin are setting in, baseball is started, and we can watch in our parkas as my hometown favorites from Chicago come here to Milwaukee for a 4 game series of a battle of the disappointing starts to their seasons.

Group Run: We will meet at the Community Gym in Cedarburg 7am Saturday morning, and head North on the “John Taylor Route.”  The weather will be cooler, but I don’t see anything in the forecast currently that should change our route for the week.  You can see the full route if you follow the group run link to our website.  There will be water and Gatorade on the route, but feel free to carry what you need also.

Run, Run, Run: Spring and Summer is traditionally race time, so please let us know what races are on your schedule, so we can cheer you on!!!

Good luck to all our runners headed downtown this week for the Badgerland Strider’s Southshore Half Marathon Saturday morning! We will miss you, but run fast and have fun representing Run Ozaukee.

Per usual, hang around after our run for a cup of coffee at Fiddleheads!!!

Bill@Run Ozaukee