Weekly Update 6.13.18

Summer Schedule
I think all of our local schools are out, and kids are on summer break!!!  Right on cue, the weather has suddenly started to both look and feel a lot more like summer. 

With that we too are adjusting our calendar as Run Ozaukee.  We will be adding a second organized run each week on Tuesday evenings.  Starting on Tuesday June 19th we will have an Tuesday night run that meets at the Community Gym parking lot at 6pm each week for a 4-6 mile social run.  It is a great time, and often the group grabs a cold beverage at Stilt House or the like after, so mark your calendar for Tuesday’s starting next week!

Group Run: We will meet at the Community Gym in Cedarburg 7am Saturday morning, and head North on the “John Taylor Route.”  You can see the full route if you follow the group run link to our website.  There will be water and gatorade on the route, but feel free to carry what you need also.  It will be a warm one, so dress and prepare appropriately.

Thank you: So many of you generously brought in water and Gatorade, and we are set for our group runs for a while now, thank you so much for your generosity, it is your donations that help support our runs each week.

Run, Run, Run: Summer and fall are traditionally race time, so please let us know what races are on your schedule, so we can cheer you on!!!

Per usual, hang around after our run for a cup of coffee at Fiddleheads!!!

Bill@Run Ozaukee