Weekly Update April 19

No weather talk please!!!
Well, weather is trying hard to keep itself in the headlines, but let’s talk running. I mean it won’t be snowing by June right?

Group Run: We will meet at the Community Gym in Cedarburg 7am Saturday morning, and head south on the “Seminary Route.” You can see the full route if you follow the group run link to our website. There will be water and Gatorade on the route, but feel free to carry what you need also. This is a beautiful out and back route, so it is a great one for you get as many (route is 11.5 miles) or as few miles as you want this week.

Next weekend is the Deer Run in Brown Deer with both a 10k and 5k, if you wanted to run, I know that I will be there.

Run, Run, Run: We are headed into what is traditionally race time, so please let us know what races are on your schedule, so we can cheer you on!!!

Per usual, hang around after our run for a cup of coffee at Fiddleheads!!!

Bill@Run Ozaukee